martedì, dicembre 19, 2017


Hi, sweeties! You can't wait for the new publications made by The Next Step PR? Here you can find a list of when they will be released and super hot teaser. Believe me, these teasers are eye candy! *--*

📕 •。 Teaser Tuesday •。
#ComingSoon #PreOrder
Sex, Lies & Diamonds by Kris Calvert.
#RomanticSuspense #SexandLies #LeoX #Diamonds

Release 1/18/2018

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•。 Teaser Tuesday •。
#ComingSoon #PreOrder
Wonderful Love by Maggie Marr.
#MaggieMarrBooks #WonderfulLove #ContemporaryRomance #HotRead

Release 1/2/2018



•。 Teaser Tuesday •。
The Director by Lily White.
#DarkRomance #DarkErotica #Film #Captive #SinfullySexy

Available EXCLUSIVELY on Lily's Website & Smashwords


•。 Teaser Tuesday •。
#OnSaleNOW #DecemberSale #AmazonOnly
Beautifully Forgotten by L. A. Fiore on Sale for $6.99.
#Sale #Paperback #Amazon #BeautifullyForgotten


•。 Teaser Tuesday •。
Blind Devotion by S. Nelson.
#RomanticSuspense #Standalone #OfficeRomance #SexyRead 

Did you see the Cover Reveal today?

Release: 1/22/2018

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•。 Teaser Tuesday •。
#ComingSoon #PreOrder
Buried Alive by Stacey Marie Brown.
#NewAdult #ContemporaryRomance #Standalone #BuriedAlive
#PreOrder for 99¢ Price will go up on release day!

Release: 1/12/2018


Hi, sweeties! Welcome to the cover reveal of "Blind Devotion" by S. Nelson, hosted by The Next Step PR. Hope you like! This book drawn me to it from the first time I saw this rocking cover! *--*

Title: Blind Devotion
Author: S. Nelson
Genre: Romantic Suspense, Standalone
Release Date: January 22, 2018

Cover Designer: CT Cover Creations


Alina Winthrop's only focus is her career as a lawyer at her father’s firm.  She has goals to one day takeover, helping countless people when the reins are passed down to her, but there’s a catch. She has to go along with everything her father wants, including marrying a man of his choosing. However, the moment she meets a cocky and intrusive stranger, all bets are off.
Maxton Colter packed up and left his life in California for an opportunity to work at the largest law firm on the East Coast. A new bachelor, he is steadfast in his goal to remain single. Until he sets eyes on a feisty blonde who suddenly has him second-guessing everything.

S. Nelson grew up with a love of reading and a very active imagination, never putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard until 2013.  Her passion to create was overwhelming and within a few months she’d written her first novel, Stolen Fate.  When she isn’t engrossed in creating one of the many stories rattling around inside her head, she loves to read and travel as much as she can.  She lives in the Northeast with her husband and two dogs, enjoying the ever changing seasons.


RECENSIONE di Under the Mistletoe di Aria Cole/ REVIEW of Under the Mistletoe by Aria Cole

Buon giorno, bloggers e lettori! Oggi vi recensirò un romanzo che mi è stato mandato tramite l'agenzia di Literary PR di Ardent Prose. Un romanzo a sfondo natalizio molto hot che mi sento di consigliarvi se volete passare qualche ora leggera :) Buona lettura!

Mi sono iscritta per l'ARC di questo libro un mese fa, e scoprire che mi era stato mandato è stata una notizia piacevolissima. Sono molto felice che le agenzie di PR americane abbiano fiducia in me, e gliene sarò sempre grata.

Come capo del Pronto Soccordo dello Snowpass Mountain Hospital, Aurora Snow ha gran poco tempo per decorare casa e per prestare attenzione ad ogni carpentiere chiacchierone che arriva nella sala in questo periodo di festività. Ma non troverete Declan Callaghan nella lista dei Buoni di Babbono Natale. Le fossette sul suo volto e il luccichio dei suoi occhi spinge Aurora a domandarsi cosa vorrebbe dire stare in cima alla lista di questo presuntuoso carpentiere.
Loro sono il più grande disastro naturale a colpire la città di Rocky Mountain, ma ciò non impedirà a Declan di tentare di conquistare la sfacciata, curvy infermiera che ha lasciato un marchio indelebile nella sua anima. Lui smuoverà intere montagne per portare Aurora sotto il vischio, ma forse un pizzico di magia del Natale è ciò di cui hanno bisogno per trovare la loro strada, e il loro amore.
ATTENZIONE: Attacca Jingle Bells e tieniti forte, Declan e Aurora illumineranno le tue vacanze! Pieno di gioia natalizia, battutine smielate, confessioni di Natale e l'amore di una vita, questa classica storia d'amore con un colpo di scena sconcio, ti farà desiderare d'avere il tuo personale presuntuoso carpentiere sotto il vischio!

Generalmente non amo l'insta-love nei romanzi, poiché lo ritengo fin troppo inverosimile e poco credibile. Ma in questo romanzo, questo genere d'amore ci stava alla grande. Il romanzo narra dell'incontro-scontro di Declan Callaghan, un carpentiere delle Rocky Mountains e di Aurora Snow, l'infermiera del Pronto Soccorso dello Snowpass Mountain Hospital. Declan arriva all'ospedale con un chiodo piantato in un dito, poiché stava attaccando i festoni fuori dalla casa di sua madre. Non appena vide Aurora, si sente subito attratto da lei. Aurora, a differenza di molte ragazze descritte nei romanzi a tematica natalizia, è bellissima ma la sua bellezza non è tradizionale: è sexy, curvy ed ha una linguaccia tremenda. Tra l'altro Declan non perde l'occasione di chiamarla Ice Queen, in onore di Elsa di Frozen. La loro storia, ricca di scene di sesso, ci mostrerà come una relazione che comincia a stampo sessuale possa trasformarsi in una storia d'amore seria.

Sebbene io abbia dato cinque stelle, però, ci sono delle cose che non mi sono piaciute: il fatto che Aurora mi sia sembrata un personaggio tridimensionale per gran parte del romanzo, poi sia diventata bidimensionale e infine di nuovo tridimensionale. E poi l'estrema possessività di Declan nei suoi confronti a tratti mi è parsa eccessiva, cioè ho capito che lui è figo ma se un ragazzo viene da me e dirmi che sono sua e ci conosciamo appena, gli direi di darsi una calmata. Un po' tutto l'opposto di ciò che ha fatto Aurora. Tuttavia, nonostante queste piccole cose che, ripeto, sono un mio gusto personale, il romanzo breve è stato coinvolgente ed molto hot, mi ha fatto passare delle belle ore in compagnia di questi due pazzi innamorati.

La struttura del romanzo breve, poi, è costituito da POV alternati di Declan e Aurora, e ciò permette al lettore di comprendere al meglio i loro pensieri e le loro emozioni. L'ho trovata un'ottima scelta narrativa.

Vi saluto con una citazione tratta da questo romanzo, che vi consiglio se leggete in inglese e cercate qualcosa di piccante da leggere durante le feste:
"“I’d never imagined life could be the sweet.
I’d never imagined the holidays could be this happy.
I’d never imagined I’d meet the cockiest bastard in all of Snowpass Mountain, and then I’d marry him.”
(Aurora Snow)


RELEASE BLITZ of The Secrets of life by KL Humphreys/ RELEASE BLITZ di The Secrets of life

Buon giorno, bloggers e lettori! Benvenuti al Release Blitz di "The secrets of life" di KL Humphreys, come sempre, la recensione sarà bilingue, per permettere anche a coloro che magari non sanno l'inglese, ma sono interessati all'uscita, di scoprire di cosa tratta il romanzo.

Mi sono iscritta al Release Blitz di questo romanzo due mesi fa, ed è stato un onore per me poter conoscere quest'autrice inglese. Grazie di cuore a Love Between the Sheets per l'opportunità! <3

Qualche volta c'è solo un palo tra la sopravvivenza e il morire di fame. Questo è ciò che Jessica Hughes si ritrova ad affrontare.
A 21 anni si prende cura dei suoi due fratelli più piccoli e della sua bambina di 4 anni, mentre salda i debiti di gioco di sua madre.
La sua vita potrà sembrare orribile agli altri, ma Jess sa che potrebbe essere di gran lunga peggiore.
Poi, Hunter O'Shea torna nella sua vita e sgancia la bomba - un segreto che potrebbe distruggere tutto ciò che loro una volta avevano.
Ancora una volta, Jess si ritrova a raccogliere i cocci del suo cuore spezzato.
Troverà Hunter il coraggio di reclamare la famiglia di cui lui non sapeva di aver bisogno?
O Jess andrà avanti con la sua vita prima di dargliene l'occasione?

Non sono nuova a leggere libri che hanno come tema le spogliarelliste e il loro mondo, dopo aver recensito The Sex Tourist di Olivia Wild niente mi scandalizza più, anzi, posso dire che quel mondo ormai m'incuriosisce e mi affascina. Jessica Hughes è una ragazza di 21 anni che ha passate di ogni: è rimasta incinta dell'amore della sua vita a 16 anni, poi Hunter O'Shea se n'è andato, lasciandola sola; ha dovuto pagare i debiti di gioco di sua madre e persino nascondere il denaro che lei guadagnava facendo la spogliarellista al Pleasure Palace di Londra. Se vi aspettate il classico New Adult, vi assicuro che questo libro non lo è. Jessica non è una Tessa o un'Abby senza spina dorsale, lei sa cosa vuole e sa cosa deve fare per ottenerlo. L'unica cosa che ha a cuore è la sicurezza della sua famiglia, e per essa appunto è disposta a fare la spogliarellista. Man a mano che la storia prosegue, vediamo Jessica barcamenarsi tra il lavoro notturno, le faccende di casa e i suoi ragazzi. La sua infanzia non è stata per niente facile, e quando sua madre se n'è andata ha deciso di prendere lei in gestione la sua famiglia, poiché suo fratello maggiore Owen, che l'aveva fatto fino a quel momento, è stato arrestato e mandato in prigione per spaccio di droga. A dire il vero, in più di un'occasione durante la lettura, mi è sembrato di vedere Fiona di Shameless. Le due si assomigliano molto, in particolar modo le loro famiglie sono identiche. 

Un giorno Jessica viene chiamata a scuola dal Preside, e lì ritrova il suo ex ragazzo, Hunter. Il fratello minore di Hunter, Lewis, ha passato mesi a prendere per i fondelli Anthony (Tony) e Simon (Si), i fratelli minori di Jessica, alla fine i tre hanno fatto a botte e sono stati richiamati. Ma Jessica non è disposta ad accogliere il suo ex a braccia aperte, è decisa ad andare avanti con la sua vita, nonostante tutto. E questo la porta a conoscere, una volta che Owen sarà uscito di prigione, Richie. Richie è un ragazzo d'oro, gentile, ma la loro relazione non durerà molto. Cosa succederà? Jessica riuscirà a superare la mancanza di fiducia nei confronti di Hunter, oppure lo taglierà fuori dalla vita di Emme, la loro bambina? Per scoprirlo dovrete leggere il romanzo.

Il romanzo di per sé è stata una buona lettura, tuttavia c'erano tantissime ripetizioni dell'aggettivo "bloody", a un certo punto mi sono chiesta se la scrittrice non conoscesse altri aggettivi per descrivere fatti, emozioni o sensazioni. Ma questo è solo la punta dell'iceberg: l'errore più grave è stato senza dubbio la confusione tra il genitivo sassone e gli aggettivi possessivi, tante volte mi sono dovuta fermare a rileggere alcuni pensieri di Jessica - perché il romanzo è scritto dal suo POV, quindi tutto ciò che vediamo viene filtrato dal suo punto di vista. C'erano errori di editing, il più eclatante è stato quello in cui vediamo Jessica ricominciare a fumare fuori, nel balcone, e poi tornare dentro... Solo che la sigaretta che aveva prima in bocca è magicamente sparita. Ultimo, ma non per questo meno importante, c'erano tante, tante ripetizioni. Insomma, ho passato delle belle serate in compagnia di questo libro, ma mi ha un po' delusa. 

Vi saluto con una citazione tratta da questo romanzo, che vi invito comunque a comprare per poterne poi parlare nel blog:
"This kiss is everything, anger, lust, frustration and love, all rolled together and fuck if it isn’t just the best kiss I’ve ever had, I need more, (…)”
(Jessica Hughes)



Hi, sweeties! Welcome to the Blogtour of "A twisted little Christmas" by Annaliste Delaney, hosted by Quill & Ink PR. Hope you like it! x

★✯ Blog Tour ✯★
A Twisted Little Christmas by @Author Annalise Delaney
Hosted by @Quill & Ink PR

Facing a lonely Christmas Eve, Devin O’Hannigan accepts a stranger’s invitation to a private holiday party—hoping to score. But when the merriment takes a bizarre twist, he retreats by himself to call it a night… Until his attention is captured by a teary-eyed Santa in a very short skirt.

Holly’s quest to find herself again ends in a disastrous Christmas date, leaving her discouraged and alone in a town far from home. But when her date returns, angry and violent, she’s rescued by a gorgeous stranger—the kind of guy she once would have pursued. But that was before.

Seeking cheer but preferring anonymity, they embark on an innocent game playing the roles of old friends catching up. Without encumbrances, honest conversations uncover hidden desires. Sparks fly, directing them to an outcome they hadn’t expected and shouldn’t pursue. But will it thrust them into each other’s arms or leave them longing for what could have been?

lunedì, dicembre 18, 2017


Hi, sweeties! What could be bettere in the holiday season than a smutty and sexy romance novel, sprikled with a bit of hotness? This is what you will find in this sizzling novel! x

Free on Kindle Unlimited

As the head of ER at Snowpass Mountain Hospital, Aurora Snow hardly has time to decorate much less be wooed by every mouthy carpenter that lands in her emergency room this holiday season. But you won't find Declan Callaghan on Santa's nice list, and the devilish dimples and twinkle in his eye leaves Aurora wondering what it would be like to be at the top of this cocky carpenter’s naughty list.

Together, they’re the biggest natural disaster to hit this Rocky Mountain town, but that won’t stop Declan from trying to win the heart of the sassy, curvy caregiver that’s left a lasting tattoo on his soul. He’s going to have to move mountains to get Aurora under the mistletoe, but maybe a sprinkle of Christmas magic is all they need to find their way to each other, and to ever-lasting love.

Warning: Grab your jingle bells and hold on tight, Declan and Aurora are about to light up your holiday! Stuffed full of festive cheer, cheesy one-liners, Christmas confessions, and a lifetime of love, this classic love story with a dirty 
twist is sure to leave you wishing for your own cocky carpenter under the mistletoe!


“Fuck!” Another roar rushed past my lips. “Doesn’t anyone work around here?” I pressed the towel tighter against my thumb, desperate to quell the throbbing. “Got time enough to put up these stupid-ass decorations, but no time for a bleeding man. Great emergency room response here. I’ll be sure to tell all my friends—”
“Hello, Mr. Callaghan, is it?” The curtain pulled away, revealing long, blond waves and a pair of iced-over blue eyes, trained directly on me. “So you’re the guy who’s been moaning like a dying cow back here.”
Both my eyebrows shot up, the incessant throb in my mangled thumb increasing another notch. “Pounding a nail through your thumb will do that, I guess.”
For the first time, my eyes dipped down her neck, over the soft swell of ample tits, a curvy little waist, and hips that looked perfect for digging my hands into when I—
“Can I get a look at the damage?” She stepped closer, eyes zeroing in on my aching hand.
This woman had more curves than a country road. Suddenly, the throb in my hand wasn’t as persistent as the throb in my dick.
I sucked in a quick breath when she slowly unwound the white towel, stained with dark slashes of red.
My blood.
Oh, shit.
My head swam as she discarded the towel and leaned in for a closer look. “That’s gonna need stitches.”
“You don’t say,” I blurted before I could put a lid on my mouth.
“You always such an asshole to people tryin’ to help you?” She shot me a glare.
“Well, I nearly bled out on the table waiting for ya. Isn’t the customer always right or some bullshit?”
She narrowed her eyes, the faintest hint of a grin turning up one side of her lips. “That’s in retail, so, no, that’s not a rule the emergency room subscribes to. Actually, we prioritize patients, and the elderly gentleman in cardiac arrest trumped you.” Her eyes were on mine again, mesmerizing in their depths. “And according to your intake paperwork, you’ve been here about four minutes, so I don’t think that constitutes bleeding out.” She took hold of my thumb to wrap it with a roll of gauze. “Are you always so dramatic?”
I shot her a cocky grin. “You’ve got a winning bedside manner—” my eyes shot to the name tag on her chest “—Dr. Snow.”
A soft grin ticked across her face at my words before she took a step back, cocking her head to the side. “My patients call me Dr. Aurora, and since it looks like I’m stuck with you for at least the next few hours, you’re welcome to as well.”
“No shit?” I settled a little deeper into the cot underneath me.
“No shit, what?” She pressed the clipboard to her tits, eyes holding mine.
“Your name is really Aurora Snow?” I didn’t believe it. I’d never met anyone with a name like that.
“Yup.” She began wrapping a blood pressure cuff around my bicep.
“Anyone ever tell you you look like that Disney ice queen? Ya know, the blond hair, the blue eyes?”
A soft huff pushed past pretty pink lips, and my heart nearly shattered like a fallen icicle. “The mean one? Nothing I haven’t heard before.”
She stood close as she waited for the machine to stop its incessant buzzing. I sucked in a quick whiff of her scent. Sweet, warm, like cinnamon hot chocolate on a winter day, she soothed my mind and made me hungry for something, way down deep.
I’d never met anyone like Dr. Aurora Snow.
“So how long am I gonna be holed up here with your sparkling personality?” I couldn’t help the dig. Something about the way she could take my sharp tongue drew me to her, made me want to demonstrate all the other things I could do with that tongue. The waves of pleasure cascading through her while she called my name at the top of her lungs.
“I’m off at eleven Nurse Harriet will be in after that—”
“Eleven?” I glanced at the clock hanging above the door. “It’s already nine.”
“Indeed, it is.” Her eyes glistened as they lit on mine. “Mind if I ask how it was you drove a nail into your thumb this time of night?”
I shoved my uninjured hand through my hair, thinking back on the hellish day I’d had. “Been on the worksite since six this morning, trying to get it finished before the holiday.”
“So you were at work?” She unwrapped the cuff on my bicep and set it aside.
I shook my head again, wishing to hell it was that easy. “Nope, left a little after eight and went straight to Mama’s house to hang up Christmas lights.”
A soft chuckle filled my ears. “You put a nail through your thumb hanging Christmas lights for your mom?”
“Seems so,” I grumbled.
“How sweet.” Her lips teased up in a smile. “Didn’t peg you for the festive type.”
I shrugged. “I’m not. I fucking hate the holidays, but hell if I can say no to Mama.”
“Well, you probably should have waited until daylight…also maybe on a day you didn’t work fourteen hours. You shouldn’t be so careless.”
“I know what I’m doing. I don’t need any advice from an—” Her eyes darted up, waiting on my next word. “Ice queen.” I winked at her.
She tried to stifle a smile behind her hand, but she failed, her cheeks pinking up the prettiest shade of red I’d ever seen.
A vision came to me of her spread underneath me, all that golden hair fisted in my hands, those lips attached to mine, and stealing all the air from her lungs.
“You work tomorrow night?” I asked, no longer giving a fuck if I ever got a stitch. My thumb could fall off for that matter, and as long as Dr. Aurora was in the room, I’d be just fine.
“That’s a probing question.” She averted her eyes as she tried to act busy. She wasn’t busy, just trying to hide her reaction to me. The way her thighs were shifting back and forth, how her gaze kept landing on my eyes, and everything in her expression again told me I was right.
“I can get a lot more probing than that.” I cocked a sideways smile.
“Are you always such a wiseass?”
“Just wondering what poor bastard is gonna be graced with your lovely personality next.”
“You’re a real…” She shook her head, no longer able to stifle her laugh.
“Cocky bastard,” she added, pushing that clipboard against her tits again before stepping away.
Hell, I wasn’t ready for her to leave yet. My stubborn ass began conjuring ways to keep her here. I didn’t give a fuck if she had a job to do. I wanted to be the center of her universe.
Aurora Snow might be walking away now, but not for long. Not if I had anything to do with it.

Aria Cole is a thirty-something housewife who once felt bad for reading dirty books late at night, until she decided to write her own. Possessive alpha men and the sassy heroines who love them are common, along with a healthy dose of irresistible insta-love and happily ever afters so sweet your teeth may ache. 

For a safe, off-the-charts HOT, and always HEA story that doesn't take a lifetime to read, get lost in an Aria Cole book!
Follow Aria on Amazon for new release updates, or stalk her on Facebook and Twitter to see which daring book boyfriend she's writing next!

Sign up to get a NEW RELEASE ALERT from me! 

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Hi, sweeties! Here you can find another hot and sizzling contemporary romance by Ashley Hasting, hosted by Love Between the Sheets. Hope you like it! x

Title: His Wife
Author: Ashley Hastings
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 18th 

After the tragic death of his beautiful wife, Nathan Randolph is looking for companionship. Timid Darby Turner is twenty years his junior and inexperienced in love, confidence, and life.

This unlikely couple marries after a whirlwind courtship. Darby has fallen in love for sure, and Nathan encourages her to explore a dark sexuality with him. Moving to his majestic, Southern plantation home, Darby realizes she does not know her new husband at all. Soon Darby is competing with the memory of Nathan’s dead wife.

Can Darby win out against a memory, or will the past destroy her new love?

I saw papers spread across his desk. "I didn't mean to disturb you while you were working."
"This room is never off limits to you. You are always welcome here, Mrs. Randolph."
I flushed with pleasure at his words. He came closer and ran a finger down my cheek.
"In fact, you are particularly welcome right now." He was so bold that he squeezed my breasts with both hands, and I gasped.
"Don't be shy, Mrs. Randolph. I need you naked and ready to fuck." Nathan said these shocking words in a casual, off-hand kind of way.
"Now? Here?" My words were a little breathless in my surprise.
I was almost in a panic. I wanted to make the house feel like home, but I was a little intimidated about stripping bare in the middle of all this majestic grandeur. I remembered the paintings of Nathan’s ancestors I had studied earlier. There were a couple of portraits in this room, too. I felt like the eyes of those long dead were watching me, and passing judgment on my actions.

"Yes. Definitely now. Definitely here." He raised one arrogant eyebrow at me.
"Nate, I don't think this is a good idea…" My voice trailed off.
Without warning, he snatched me up and carried me to the big chair behind his desk. He positioned me on my stomach over his lap. I knew what was coming, and I was scared and delighted all at once. He pulled my pants down to my ankles, taking my panties down at the same time. Bare and exposed, I squirmed.
Smack! Smack! SMACK! The blows came hard and in quick succession. If ghosts were watching, they were undoubtedly scandalized.
"Nate, please! I'm sorry!" I protested loudly. It hurt, but I had the urge to giggle, too.
"What did I tell you happened to bad girls? What happens in this library?"
Nathan’s voice was stern, and his tone stopped my giggles.
"They get spanked, with their panties off." I sounded like a little girl.
I squirmed to get free, but I think I liked being his bad girl. From virgin to pervert, in less than one day.

About The Author
Ashley Hastings lives with a menagerie of animals, and one day aspires to be a crazy, old cat lady. She has a starter set of three cats right now. Ashley likes to take long walks each day while she dreams about what her characters will do in the future, and is already hard at work on her next novel.

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